Alphabetical Dictionary

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akasmātind1without a why or a wherefore; accidentally; suddenly
akṣan1the eye
agaṇitaadj1uncounted; inconsiderable
agnim3fire; sacrificial fire (of three kinds); the number three; the god of fire; the fire of the stomach; digestive faculty; gastric fluid; bile; gold; name of various plants; mystical substitute for the letter r; Semicarpus Anacardium; Plumbago Zeylanica and Rosea; Citrus Acida; [alchemy] the doṣa called vahni
agnimāndyan1slowness of digestion; dyspepsia
aṅgan1a limb of the body; a limb; member; the body; a subordinate division or department; the number six; name of the chief sacred texts of the Jainas; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five); any subdivision; a supplement; (in Gr.) the base of a word; anything inferior or secondary; anything immaterial or unessential; (in rhetoric) an illustration; (in the drama) the whole of the subordinate characters; an expedient; a mental organ; the mind; [gramm.] the word aṅga; attribut¦rer Teil eines Opfers
aṅgulamn2a finger; the thumb; a finger's breadth; (in astron.) a digit; name of the sage Cāṇakya
aṅgulimf5a finger; a toe; the thumb; the great toe; the finger-like tip of an elephant's trunk; the measure aṅgula; a kind of plant
aṅguṣṭham6the thumb; the great toe; a thumb's breadth
acalaadj1not moving; immovable; firm
ajñānan1non-cognizance; ignorance; (in philosophy) spiritual ignorance; Prakṛti; Māyā; Illusion
añc1. Ā.1to go; to move; to tend; to honour; to make round or curved; to request; to ask; to speak indistinctly; biegen
aṭṭāṭṭahāsam1very loud laughter
aṇuadj1fine; minute; emaciated
atiind6very; extremely
atitīkṣṇaadj1very sharp