Alphabetical Dictionary

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akampanam1name of a prince; name of a Rākṣasa
akṣan1the eye
agnim2fire; sacrificial fire (of three kinds); the number three; the god of fire; the fire of the stomach; digestive faculty; gastric fluid; bile; gold; name of various plants; mystical substitute for the letter r; Semicarpus Anacardium; Plumbago Zeylanica and Rosea; Citrus Acida; [alchemy] the doṣa called vahni
aṅgāramn1charcoal; ember
aṇimanmf1minuteness; fineness; thinness; meagreness; atomic nature; the superhuman power of becoming as small as an atom
atasind3from this; than this; hence; henceforth; from that time; from this or that cause or reason
adhīraadj1imprudent; not fixed; movable; confused; deficient in calm self-command; excitable; capricious; querulous; weak-minded; foolish
anantaramind1right after ...
anekaadj2not one; many; much; separated
antam1end; limit; boundary; term; end of a texture; end; conclusion; end of life; death; destruction (in these latter senses some times neut.); a final syllable; termination; last word of a compound; pause; settlement; definite ascertainment; certainty; whole amount; border; outskirt; nearness; proximity; presence; inner part; inside; condition; nature; a shore; [gramm.] the suffix 'ant'; a frontier region; finity
antakam1death; Yama; name of a man favoured by the Aśvins; name of a son of Śvaphalka
antaraadj1being in the interior; interior; near; proximate; related; intimate; lying adjacent to; distant; different from; exterior
antran1entrail; intestine
andhakāramn1darkness; name of a mountain; name of the Varṣa ruled by Andhakāraka; name of a son of Dyutimat
anyapron1other; another
apiind11also; moreover; besides; assuredly; surely
abhigarj1. Ā.1to roar at; to bawl at; to raise savage or ferocious cries
abhilaṣ4. P.1to desire or wish for (acc.); to covet; to crave
araṇyan2a foreign or distant land; a wilderness; desert; forest; a waste
arthamn1aim; purpose; cause; motive; reason; advantage; use; utility (generally named with kāma and dharma); thing; object (said of the membrum virile); object of the senses; the number five; substance; wealth; property; opulence; money; (in astron.) name of the second mansion; the mansion of wealth; affair; concern; (in law) lawsuit; action; having to do with (instr.); wanting; needing anything (instr.)