Alphabetical Dictionary

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aind262[gramm.] the sound a; eh bien!; (ibc., negating particle); [gramm.] the root han; [gramm.] a taddhita affix
akaniṣṭham3of whom none is the youngest (i.e. younger than the others); class of Buddhist deities
akutobhayaadj2having no fear from any quarter; secure
akuśalaadj2inauspicious; evil; not clever
akṛtaadj4undone; not committed; not made; uncreated; unprepared; incomplete; one who has done no works
akṛtajñaadj1not acknowledging benefits; ungrateful
akṣin4the eye
akṣayaadj11exempt from decay; undecaying; [alchemy] undiminished, i.e. merury undergoes no elimination of its impure matters
akṣaran4the syllable om; a vowel; a sound; a word; name of Brahma; final beatitude; sacrifice; water; Achyranthes Aspera; religious austerity; a syllable
akṣīṇaadj2not perishing or failing; not waning (the moon); not diminishing in weight; [alchemy] (Quecksilber, das sich nach niyamana nicht mehr verflchtigt)
agatiadj1not going; halting; without resource; helpless
agatikaadj1without resort or resources; not to be walked on (as an evil path)
agamanan2not going
agauravaadj3not respectful
agnim2fire; sacrificial fire (of three kinds); the number three; the god of fire; the fire of the stomach; digestive faculty; gastric fluid; bile; gold; name of various plants; mystical substitute for the letter r; Semicarpus Anacardium; Plumbago Zeylanica and Rosea; Citrus Acida; [alchemy] the doṣa called vahni
agran8foremost point or part; tip; front; uppermost part; top; summit; surface; point; sharpness; the nearest end; the beginning; the climax or best part; goal; aim; multitude; a weight equal to a pala; a measure of food given as alms; the sun's amplitude; Blume (eines Getr¦nks, d.h. erster Schluck)
agraadj13foremost; anterior; first; prominent; projecting; chief; best; supernumerary
agratasind1in front; before; in the beginning; first; (with gen.) before; in presence of
agrāhyaadj1not to be conceived or perceived or obtained or admitted or trusted; to be rejected